Friday, February 27, 2009

My header

Well, I've changed it again. I used an element out of one of Robyn Littlejohn's beautiful kits, it is in the corner, the butterfly is from one of her kits, too and I made the pooches smaller. I think I'm getting there. Now to figure out how to change the background to something less bland.

The weekend is upon us and it is supposed to be cold and blustery where I live. I'm so ready for spring even if it does mean sore muscles from outside work. I have so much to do this year. The house needs painting inside and out, I need to have the carpeting cleaned and hubby needs to get my office redone but he can't work on it until warmer weather. He has custom designed my office for me. I can hardly wait and he is looking forward to inheriting my furniture that I have now.

Sadie is going to the groomer next Friday to have her coat stripped of it's winter hair! I hope it warms up or she will have to wear a sweater! Punkin will go the following week with Dusty bringing up the week after that. I can usually keep them touched up but it's just getting to hard for me to give them a full groom. My back doesn't like it at all and they hate being brushed! The only thing they like brushed is their teeth...weird! Especially Dusty! He waits for his brushing every morning! What a great little guy!

1 comment:

Robyn said...


Your new header looks GREAT. I love the doggies!