Wednesday, November 25, 2009


There are so many things I'm thankful for but for the record, here's the LIST.

My personal Savior, Jesus Christ
My wonderful husband and the love we have for each other
My delightful daughter
My fantastic son
My funny son-in-love
My 3 furry little Cocker Spaniels
My friends included are all my "cyber" friends
My job, even though at times it's a source of stress in my life (I guess some stress is ok)
My house, even if it isn't the Taj Mahal
The tangible "things" in my life like computers, appliances, furniture & clothing otherwise known as "creature comforts"
There are so many other things to be thankful for but before I forget, I need to take the My away from each item. The reason, they aren't really mine, they are on loan to me from my heavenly Father and I never, ever take that fact for granted. One MAJOR reason to be Thankful